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February 2020

Texas Auctioneers, and Live Oak Trees

I love Texas I live in Missouri but for some odd reason I have a strong relationship to Texas auctioneers. I would have never thought that would be the case. I was born in Lockport, New York but I moved to Texas when I was 3 months old. We lived in El Paso. Most of my Texas friends didn’t even know that until now. My father was a Warrant Officer in the US Army and worked with Nike Hercules Air Defense missiles which happened to be located on the edges of the country in places like El Paso. I don’t remember living in El Paso, we moved to Fairbanks, Alaska when… Read More »Texas Auctioneers, and Live Oak Trees

The Fairy Box

The Fairy Box Copyright © 1994 Rob Weiman, for my daughter Ali It wasn’t a large box, but it was special.She sat it on the table by her bedso she could see it,and she looked at it a lot. Her Mother said it used to belong to her grandmotherand that she had brought it from some place called , “The Old Country”,but her older brother said it was a Fairy Boxand that was why it was so fancy.Alicia knew that what her brother told her was true. He said that if you waited until night timejust before you went to sleepand you turned off all the lights in the room,except maybe the… Read More »The Fairy Box

Auctions, Texas, Johnson’s Shut-ins and Joe Desloge

One morning back in 1999 I found myself standing outside my local post office with an older man who was wearing a olive drab sweater kaki pants and a belt that looked like it was made from hemp that hung down from his waist. He struck up a conversation with me about all the packages I had on my dolly. My wife and I were selling a lot of items on eBay then and I was making a run to the post office to put some of them in the mail. I had a very full dolly and the old man was very curious about this. He was peppering me… Read More »Auctions, Texas, Johnson’s Shut-ins and Joe Desloge

Professional Auctioneers And Ringmen

The Missouri Professional Auctioneers Association’s 2014 Winter Convention Professional Auctioneers | Ringmen by Rob Weiman The Missouri Professional Auctioneers Association met this Winter at The Elms in Excelsior Springs, MO. It was a wonderful hotel, with a great history. We had a 2 part real estate class covering selling commercial real estate in Missouri, a class on the art and science of working the ring, and a panel on  “Marketing in the 21st Century”. The ringman class was taught by Sam “The Hit Man” Grasso. For those of you not familiar with the auction world this might require a bit of explanation. Sam works as a professional ringman. Auctions (not unlike… Read More »Professional Auctioneers And Ringmen

First World Problems

Years ago my wife Tina and I sponsored a young girl in Ecuador, for years we sent a check to her family via a relief organization (one of the ones that builds a school in the village and helps feed a child and provides education as well). This little girl was perhaps 7 years old when we got a picture from the organization along with a letter. The picture was of her mother holding a trash bag full of things (I could make out a pair of flip flops) and I remember she had a very sad look on her face. The letter explained how the girl we were sponsoring… Read More »First World Problems

Where to find auctions

So, you want to go to auctions, but you can’t find any. Here is how to find auctions in your area. Auctions are everywhere, and nowhere, if you know how to find them they are all over, if you don’t know where to look they can almost be like a unicorn, you have heard lots of stories about them but you have never seen one yourself. I wrote this guide to help teach you how to find auctions in your local area. The auction portals in this guide appear in no particular order. All have pluses and minuses, I will try to show you both. You can’t hardly turn on cable… Read More »Where to find auctions

How to Sell Estate Jewelry

It happens all the time, someone calls us because they have lost a parent or Mom has gone into assisted care, or a nursing home and they were left with a large amount of jewelry that they needed to deal with, along with collectibles, furniture, sometimes coin collections, guns, tools, and household items. Many times before we get the call the family goes and sells the estate jewelry to a local pawn shop or estate jewelry buyer. On their way home they stop by the coin shop and sell dad’s coin collection, or maybe a box or two of old comic books to the local comic shop. Now they want… Read More »How to Sell Estate Jewelry

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